The TRPRC membership determined that only through a mutual aid organization could we truly cover the many miles of navigable waters in our district. Crisis management and plans were most efficiently constructed by joining forces, pooling manpower, equipment resources, capabilities and expertise within a formalized organization – thus the birth of Three Rivers Pollution Response Council, Inc. Some people refer to our Council as an insurance policy – “a relatively low cost gamble, and one you hope you never have to cash in on, but certainly one which pays off big when activated.”
The Three Rivers Pollution Response Council, Inc. is located in the Pittsburgh Port of the U.S. Coast Guard’s Eighth District and EPA’s Region III. This territory ecompasses the entire navigable waters of three rivers: some 72 miles of the Allegheny; 128.7 miles of the Monongahela; and some 121.6 miles of the Ohio for a grand total of 322.23 miles.